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Super EF2000 Campaign Pilot and Location Reviver ver 4.04 release
& EF2000 Tactical Communications

ReViVe will:
show you each nations status of aircraft, towns & airbases
show you what aircraft are at any airbase
show you a campaign map of selectable airbases by nation
show you a summary of your flights last campaign mission
transfer fighter and bomber aircraft to a Nato airbase of your choice
transfer EFA's to an allied airbase of your choice
transfer service aircraft (767's) to their default location
place aircraft back into reserves (remove)
repair individual Airbases
repair entire Nation's Towns & Bases

It will let you cheat by:
make alliances with other nations
nuke (wipeout) Russian AirBases
reviving any dead planes
increasing pilot skills *
morph (change) the plane types