I have enjoyed reading your articles on SimHQ, they have helped me a lot especially the "Its all a matter of perspective" articles.

However in the past year I have aquired a Trackir system and I have done a review for this on airwarfare

I am updating this and would like to know if you have used TIR and if so what are your impressions of this hardware in relation to traditional methods such as padlock and snap/pan viewing systems.

I play IL2FB online and the move there is predominantly to "closed " pits e.g. without externals so do you have any thoughts on this? and how to best use your viewing systems in this type of environment.

Im sure your input on this would help a lot of people and I will of course give you due credit should you agree to be quoted in my article.

thank you for any help

O wad some Pow'r the giftie gie us
To see oursels as others see us