Originally Posted by Sokol1
Originally Posted by tirta

why is there no error under win7, but there is error under win10?

Open a game in Windows 10 an press a button in the MMjoy2.

If the game see the button press, the error in Game Controllers is caused due change in MMjoy2 joystick name, but the one used previous remain in Windows Register, what prevents the Game Controllers see the new name.

If is the case is need clear the Windows register, try use the button "Clear" in MMJoySetup or do this manually using Regedit.

Hi Sokol1,

Thanks for the reply.
I have tried using the mmjoy2 under IL2 great battles & tiny combat arena, but it is not detected,
the only game can detect it is falcon BMS, the detected controller name is MMjoy2, but I can not save the keymapping.

MMjoy2 is the same name under regedit, only there are 2 version detected:
MMjoy2-20150121 and MMjoy2-20150405.

MMjoy2-20150405 is the current version that I use.

I still do not understand which name should I change.
Please explain more.