My impressions of the new AI are very positive. I've fought many dogfights in my DID campaign and others.

The way the enemy takes snapshots at you at every opportunity keeps you on the edge. The way an AI aircraft will take you on if you're chasing him home is far more realistic. They also come to sweep you off the tail of another AI aircraft far more often.

The way the two seaters now try to avoid attack makes it much more challenging, even the BE2 stands on his tail to give his gunner a shot. The FE2B now takes you on rather than just fly away.

I'm REALLY impressed with the new AI.

"A great deal of an aeroplane could be holed without affecting its ability to fly. Wings and fuselage could be—and often were—pierced in 50 places, missing the occupants by inches (blissfully unaware of how close it had come until they returned to base). Then the sailmaker would carefully cover each hole with a square inch of Irish linen frayed at the edges and with a brushful of dope make our aircraft 'serviceable' again within an hour."