One of the most disturbing aspects is that back then, when the reactor scrammed (tripped), the main steam isolation valves automatically closed, and could not be immediately reopened. That killed the steam supply to the main propulsion, which prevented a powered ascent to the surface.

U-tube steam generators have a notable amount of remaining steam inventory in them when a scram occurs, plus there is (reactor) decay heat still available to generate some more steam. If they could have utilized that steam, there is a very real possibility they could have made it back up to the surface, and had time fight / stop / minimize the flooding.

During my time in, that main steam isolation automatic closure/interlock was no longer the case. A hard lesson learned.

The Subsafe program addressed a number of things learned from that tragedy. My boat, U.S.S. Jack, SSN-605 did not get the full Subsafe package, which left some limits on what we were allowed to do.