That's a handsome set of pics. Adger - WOFF sure is the cat's meow in the looks department. I need to return to flying my casual campaigns - have been a bit busy with work currently and also with some mods. in FE2, and I admit that I have also tried to hammer the AI into some shape in RoF. burnout

Speaking of that other sim (not of FE2 which is best for single rolling missions, but that other one), take note ye' all who also have that one how the campaigns there are a strange, invisible, rolling bubble of sorts across the horizon - of areas that get activated with AI flights as you pass by (at least that's the general impression I get in that sim). In WOFF, on the other hand - you have a full, living campaign around you, from take-off to landing, with everyone going about their busy schedules and sometimes popping in for lunch early in case of engine failure.

Happy WOFFing all,
Von S

Last edited by VonS; 10/22/21 05:33 PM. Reason: Edited post.

~ For my various FM/AI/FPS/DM Mods. for First Eagles 2, WoFF, RoF & WoTR, and tips for FlightGear, recommended is to check over my CombatAce profile ( and to click on the "About Me" tab while there. ~