Originally Posted by Chucky
I fired up my Epic E:D account yesterday with my noob pilot to see if I could persuade myself to play it again.

It was those shots I posted in the screenshot gallery wasn't it Chucky? biggrin

Welcome back mate. Bo's got it right, and when I did a very long range sightseeing mission last week I found a few carriers at the destination. I was ready to turn in for the night, and briefly considered docking at one, but the fact that I could end up anywhere while away made me just exit in supercruise. 90% of the time that carrier probably isn't going anywhere. But not worth the risk, or maybe it is. What an adventure it could turn out to be, just ask those slaves we were talking about earlier haha.

I think Bo's carrier is safe though. Maybe he would give a heads up here if he was spinning up his drives.

I'm guessing the ship you saw was one of the mega ships? A generation ship perhaps?

Have a look here and see if you can spot it


I logged on last night and ran some more transport, bulk hauling, 45-54 passengers per hop in Parabellum. I'm gunning for level 2 Captain's badge

I call the ship a rumble bus, because it's role is transport, but it's also fully armed with the intention of engaging any interdictions. The passengers love the action (and survival). I was getting jumped by things like wanted Master Chieftains, and thanks for the bounty.

This is the ship

Parabellum Rumble Bus

Good speed, even stuffed with cabins. Decent jump, but not needed really for these missions. Decent protection and plenty of firepower for dealing with interdictions. Seats 55 Business Class.

No, now go away or I shall taunt you a second time!