Artie got back to me and gave me this link

The first time I clicked it it said I must be logged in to participate in this discussion, and upper right showed commander guest. I then clicked my Inara page to see why I wasn't logged in. But I was, so I clicked the link again and it worked. Here's what it says

"Judging from the frequent questions like: "Commander XYZ has a better score than me, although his medals are worse! What's wrong!?" it was apparent that the rankings mechanics are not clear enough and sometimes even demotivating. The rankings and medals are both using the game stats but weren't directly related to each other, and it was the primary source of the confusion. There was made a change that rankings and medals are now more related. It still uses the same game stats, but the connection is more apparent. To describe it simply - ranking up your medals and progressing in these will directly affect your rankings score, so you will always have a clear idea of what to do to increase your ranking score (aside from the regular Pilot's federation ranks, of course). The only exception is the Xeno-hunter medal - as there are no lifetime values in the game stats, it's hard to objectively use such values and thus it has no effect on the rankings (at least for now, let's see if Odyssey will change something). The change favors generalists, commanders doing everything than specialists focusing on a single activity. But I believe it's just fair.
Another frequently suggested feature was adding rankings for the squadron members. So it's here - you can find it under Roster > Squadron rankings on your squadron page.
There was also another bunch of minor improvements and fixes made with this update, as usual. Namely a few new roles, an option to add an image to your fleet carrier, an option to remove ship images, fix for rescue/transport missions not being correctly counted to Thargoid war stats sometimes, and so on...

No, now go away or I shall taunt you a second time!