I finished the game. Got 134 hours out of it, level 40. I went 20 in to reflexes and 20 in to tech. This was a good combo for me. Got a little more than half the achievements, but none of the ones requiring completion of all gigs and hustles. Either some gigs went undiscovered/triggered or I somehow failed some without realizing, maybe through expiration. It's funny but I fired a total of six revolver rounds in my run. During a mission I stepped out on to a balcony and a dude down below lobbed a grenade up at me. I swapped to a revolver and did it again. He lobbed another grenade and I fired from the hip, missing the first and exploding the grenade on the second and getting the gunslinger one. Later I used a revolver to fire four more rounds for gun fu. Those were the only two times I used a revolver.

I went with tech weapons for the most part, and was crafting them in the second half of the game. One of the perks allows tech weapons to bypass armor and that's pretty OP. The crafting overall was OK I guess. At least it made it so I could use the same weapons through most of the run.

I want to modify my comments earlier about the vehicles. Not as bad as I said. The models and artwork are really well done and there are some cool concepts. The engine sounds are great. I still didn't have fun driving in this game, but the vehicles themselves are pretty cool.

I romanced Panam and got the Star ending, and if you know the endings you know the basic path I chose, and if you don't then nothing is spoiled. Overall I liked cyberpunk. It wasn't the game I was hoping it would be. There are things I don't like, but I found enough there to keep me going through to the finish.

You guys were talking about life paths and I chose street kid. But as mentioned it really doesn't have an effect. A bit disappointing really. Why couldnt I start with more street cred or gain it faster? Get discounts in certain neighborhoods? Have a exclusive fence or access to certain weapons? It just means some optional dialog choices in the end. As a result it adds nothing to replayability aside from a different opening couple of hours. There's not enough left for me to give it another go, one and done. But maybe some DLC will see me return. I'm happy I played and finished cyberpunk, but I'm left wishing it was more than it was.

No, now go away or I shall taunt you a second time!