Characters are a big part of it, agreed. But for me I have to say it goes way beyond that. Writing, score, world-building, soundscape, combat, dialog, graphics, stability and on and on. All of this is important. if any one aspect is poor, it can be held up if the other components are strong. But maybe the most important part of an RPG for me is the mechanics and character build synergy.

I want tons of options when building a character. Opportunity cost is vital. I want to agonize over picking this talent instead of that one. And then, how do these choices manifest themselves in gameplay? Did it make my character feel unique, more powerful, more vulnerable or just more snazzy and jazzy? Are these choices particularly powerful or path-revealing? Does choosing this instead of that make for a singular experience, so that if I play again choosing the other thing will I feel like I'm playing a different game? I want to regret what I did not choose twenty hours later ya know?

It's all interwoven and really I think this will be one of Cyberpunk's strengths, with how intricate the systems are and how fleshed out the world and characters will be. But again, i really do not know. All I can go on are the trailers and CDPR's track record. Part of me feels like it's a can't-miss game. Part of me feels that I've gone over the edge of expectations. In the end it will probably split that gap.

No, now go away or I shall taunt you a second time!