OK next snippet of changes for WOFF 2020 that have been completed;
Nos 2 and 4 are related to no1 (posted here )
but still needed new or different code to perform this during other AI directives..

2) AI in 'Transit' now ALWAYS scan for 'close proximity threats', this is irrespective of the Transit 'Search Intercept' waypoint directive.
Search Intercept is a long range scan directive and is only performed if the AI are directed to do so in the mission file.
Close Proximity Threats are a short range scan - these are now always carried out.
Note: Aircraft may sometimes still not 'see' the close proximity threat approaching and then not react.
The variables for a reaction to 'close proximity threats' when in 'Transit' are: Standard Fight 'Morale Factors' (extensive checks e.g.: Numerical Odds of the two flights, Altitudes, Directions, AI Morale, AI Skill, Aircraft Type, Distance from Frontlines etc etc, Weather/Visibility, Do they actually spot the attacker? (human error),
Fuel and Ammunition status, Craft type, Health (Craft and Pilot damage states).

3) A2S: Fighters doing successive passes will now U turn closer to the target e.g. 'airfield attacks' and or 'balloon attacks'

4) AI 'Taking Off' are now more aware of enemy activity and react accordingly with 'Urgent Defense' on 'close proximity threat detection' even before a potential attacker shoots etc.
They do not assess any Morale Factors hence it's an Urgent reaction.
Note: Aircraft may sometimes still not 'see' the enemy approaching and then may still not react.
Note2: Aircraft must be in 'Form up' stage of takeoff before they will react - they cannot react when on the field, climbing out or levelling off - for obvious reasons
Again there are many variables for reaction to 'close proximity threats' when 'Taking Off' such as Skill, Weather/Visibility, Do they actually spot the attacker? (human error), Fuel and Ammunition status, Craft type, Health (Craft and Pilot damage states).


OBD Software, developers of immersive flight sims;
Wings Over Flanders Fields and Wings Over The Reich