Originally Posted by Recluse


I will try that, as well as the intersection with the ground, but it I manage to get direct hits WITHOUT lasing on other targets elsewhere on the map. Also doesn't quite explain why the WP DESIGNATION (which also worked PERFECTLY on other targets) failed spectacularly in this particular case. (and YES, WP Altitude was set correctly).

Maybe something weird with the terrain?? Laser Guided GBU's hit perfectly...as did AGM-65F with handoff from TPOD.

Could be a discrepancy between the INU terrain database and the actual terrain (this might be realistic, as the terrain databases have limited resolution, but could also be a bug). This is the reason why you always want to lase, as that increases the precision of the SPI coordinates. Laser Guidance is a different thing entirely, as the bomb isn't told to fly to coordinates, instead the bomb flys to the point that intersects with the laser. If the laser pointer aim is true, this method of guidance is far less error prone. For the GPS coordinates to be correct (without lasing), the INU/EGI needs a very precise position of the aircraft platform. Also you rely on the INU ground database, which has varying levels of error based on the terrain. If possible, you always want to increase precision by lasing the target with the TGP (some platforms can also use the ground radar to increase precision, but that isn't modelled in DCS yet).