I have that DBS, but all I've done with it so far is repurpose some modules out of storage in to it, no engineering yet.

You guys know I'm Empire, and thanks for not holding that against me, and I have always wanted a Clipper, but I never saw a role for it. It's a neat ship but always seemed to be caught in two minds, never quite sharp enough to do the things I wanted to do. Without a clear role, I never bought one.

Looking at Who Cares' Clipper build though lit a light. His build is already great for the role. I took his build and reimagined it as mine. Here's what I came up with. It would need a scoop and a GFSDB to get there, but after dropping them on station, this is sort of what I might do with it.

Clipper AX Mock-Up

That ticks all of the boxes. My question is how agile is it? Who Cares, would you mind posting your pitch/roll/yaw numbers for your Clipper?

Does point defense shoot down the caustic missiles? If so that makes sense and I would add one. Does hardpoint arrangement present any challenges?

No, now go away or I shall taunt you a second time!