Hola, mate! Finally picked up a Mamba after vacillating back n forth for a good long while. What pushed me over to buy it was unlocking the Cytoscrambler power play burst lasers. Perfect fit for the 2 small hard points. Still trying to find a good load out for the 2 large and 1 huge slots. The view outta the cockpit is amazing, rivals the iCourier. Other than that, I’m kinda ambivalent about it. Hard to find a role for it in my fleet.
Hit Elite in xplo a short time back, was surprised since I thought I had another full rank to go. Very glad to be finished with that grind! Now, I’m basically just plugging away at the last bit for Combat. I hang out in CNB’s and CZ’s mostly now. The ‘Vette is the ship of choice for those endeavors, for obvious reasons.