After a mess-up with too many mods mixed, i had to reinstall the game clean. I restarted new Be2 career and this one did go very well on default unmodified settings. I saw no engine fires, engine died out a few times but i managed some 35 missions before getting mauled by an EIII that ended that career. So my aftermath conclusion is that my first above careers got some sort of game-engine hookup of sorts? I felt that is was not entirely randomness tbh, way too much fires for that. OR it could have been linked with the specific type of Squadron?

Now i am flying an Strutter career in May 1916 and my allocated machine has worked flawlessly during my first 20 missions, YET squadron has suffered 6 casualties so far of burned out engines.

Thanks all for the insight though, i always prefer default game settings as i feel it is the way games are intended to be played, and if it works, i shall stick by it!