Ok,so I used the default settings. A lot of them were set to ultra so I just ran the benchmark. I was getting around 30 fps.

In the game I'm seeing 25-35 depending on where I am and it does look really,really good. I'll work on fine-tuning it over the coming days.

I'm struggling with the game-play a bit as I don't normally play this type of game and prefer 1st person but I may switch between 1st and 3rd depending on what I'm doing.

One thing... the detail in this is amazing,I don't think I've seen anything like this before.

I have one problem,the sound (speech) sounds a little choppy. I'll have a look at the settings tomorrow,4 hours sleep last night means I can't keep my eyes open for much longer.

Last edited by Chucky; 12/13/19 10:52 PM.

EV's are the Devils matchbox.