The redemptive aspect to these game's stories is one of my favorite things about them. I agree, the facial animation, full motion acting, voice acting is really great. Its amazing how far games have come. I'm remember thinking it was awesome seeing moving meshes on faces in games like Half-Life and Operation Flashpoint.

Speaking of hangings, I never felt that they looked very good. The game has great character physics and animations that feel hefty but watching a hanging felt underwhelming. There's not even a sharp drop or impactful sound. It always looked like to me that they just dropped with an instant stop which is not indicative of the game's otherwise great physics. I would have thought they would have animated some struggling and at least for the ones who don't struggle and its quick, a better sound effect to hammer home the impact and meaning of the moment.

I spent a lot of time in the epilogues and even post. I roleplayed in my own mind how I went about things and they did a great job setting up for the time period of the start of the second game. If you choose to spend a lot of time with it, you'll discover tons of unique dialogue snippets with the characters depending on time of day and amount of time spent at "base camp".(I'll just call it that to avoid spoilers) I finished playing the game about six months ago and started back in October 2018 but I already miss playing it. I'll have to wait awhile for another play through.

I don't know if anyone can help me with this mystery or not but here it goes: Dutch Van DerLinde really, really reminds me of someone. Especially when we get in close up. Not the voice but the face and mannerisms. There's just something about him that seems extremely familiar as though I've seen someone who looks like him before somewhere and I don't mean the original game. It really bugs me too lol because he seems so familiar. I can't figure it out. I wonder if maybe they loosely modeled him off some other well known character or actor.

John 10:1-30
Romans 10:1-13