
hmmmm, well, as long as my robe has been returned and replacement furniture is on the way, (and Trooper, all our heads hurt, so stop your whimpering). But what about the windows, we just put new butcher's paper in those last week. What bothers me most is the disrespect shown our most hallowed BOC relic, the cricket bat - playing snooker with it?! This transgression shall not stand. All those involved in said snooker game will be dealt with most harshly, or rather their bar tabs will. Though now that I think further about it, after dealing with said bar tabs a game of snooker may well be played on the offenders' collective arses with the sacred cricket bat - poetic justice if you will.

Hey, wait a tic! I had half of a perfectly good cigar and a stick of gum in the pocket of my robe, along with two shillings and the blip switch from Robert's plane - you bunch of thieves.
