Originally Posted by Pooch
"But since we exist, it leaves the realm of faith and enters that of mathematical probability."
I don't agree with the "We exist so there must be a god," thought process. Science has shown other reasons for why we probably exist. But that, I think, is for another thread. One that will not be permitted here in Community Hall.

But do we really know that we exist?

Our ability to prove this is limited by what our eyes, ears, smell, taste and touch tell us. Do we know these senses are real?

For all we know this Universe could be a simulation and we're an algorithm being fed data, and told this data is coming from those senses. As much as we want to believe, "I think, therefore I am," we can never know. A sufficiently advanced civilization would create our artificial world in such a nuanced way that the only way to prove that it was not real was to find a glitch in the system--something that behaved in an impossible, unexplainable manner.