Originally Posted by wheelsup_cavu
Never had F117 but it would have been right up my alley at the time. Could you see kids sitting through a two minute start up scenario these days though?


F117A was a relatively 'brisk' start-up, at least on a 1991 386/387.

My daughter cannot comprehend waiting 15 minutes for a game to load off of cassette tape (with the still evocative warbling, of the loading process)... or a screen made of 40x30 8*8 cells in 16 colours (hackable to 16 on each 'row' of cells). Ah. The 'Joys' of the original rubber keyboard ZX48.

That said she does play games - while my ex can't see why anyone would want to... but then watches wall-wall 'true crime' and 'reality' TV shows and reads crappy novels.