Originally Posted by PO_Klonko
I was genuinely saddened. I'm so used to just replaying the mission and continuing with a career in other sims that the death of my pilot came as quite a shock.

I have to say, in all my years of combat flight simming this is the only sim where I've felt a genuine connection with the Squadron and the others in the flight, and have been keen to defend them in the skies. I've watched in horror as on the approach to the home airfield, one of my flight mates started trailing smoke and eventually dropped out of formation. He managed to bail out (phew!). That is the first time I've ever seen an AI pilot suffer random engine failure in game. There was also one occasion where my wingman was was posted as missing, presumed killed. With much relief he managed to make it back to the Squadron and return to flying my wing, only to be killed by the enemy on the day he returned.

I'm well impressed with the WOtR! I've never flown missions from start to finish with as much enthusiasm, or felt the adrenaline pump when in a dogfight; my main aim being to survive and return to base. Excellent stuff.

Great reports by everyone,I love reading them when I have a spare 5 mins.

@PO_Klonko this is what OBD sims has in spades..immersion,"maybe" other sims have better fm,s or dm,s but none IMO have the immersion of WOTR or WOFF. If you have any interest in WW1 pal I highly recommend WOFF and at the current price for nearly 80 flyables it's a absolute steal. You genuinely do care in these sims for your wingman/squadmates. I've flown hundreds of hrs in WOFF and tens of hrs in WOTR and it still gets me when I lose one of my guys. I've often sat on the WW1 airfields in WOFF waiting for the last man to limp home,it's incredible at times. These sims to me are the only ones that capture the "spirit" of my old sims from my teen yrs.

If you enjoy reading reports have a nosy at the reports over on the WOFF forum..there's some great stories there especially in the DID deep immersive campaign thread,anyway I'm glad your enjoying WOTR,take care pal.

They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them.