Originally Posted by Bill_Grant
Chucky, is that kind of like deciding to watch someone eat on the TV, when you are hungry?

Actually I sometimes do that too. If there's a game I'm interested in but not 100% convinced, then if it's the type of game that can't be spoiled I'll watch a "Let's Play" type video.

The strange thing is, I can enjoy a let's play video of one game but not feel any desire to play it, and yet watch another one and simply HAVE to play it smile

Examples: Factorio. I enjoyed videos of that game without any desire to play it myself.

Crusader Kings 2 & Planetary Annihilation: wildly different games, fun to watch (CK2 is very dry to watch though unless the narrator is good) and both fun to play.

(Actually, CK2 is the game I want to play after watching Game Of Thrones smile political & dynastic intrigue without the magic.)

"They might look the same, but they don't taste the same."