Originally Posted by - Ice
You must be confused as to what "confession" means. Would "admitted" be a better term?

I'm not. 'Confession/Admitting' has a negative connotation, as in someone was doing something bad or trying to hide something. Neither of those is true.

"each client simulates the missile independently" -- I'm no coder but that doesn't sound like the best way to do it. What if you fire a missile at me and in your client, your missile hits me but in my client, the missile doesn't? What happens then?

In the case of THIS game, the missile on the shooting client's machine is taken as correct. In your scenario, you watch the missile not track or barely miss or explode far from you, but you take damage assigned from the detonation distance on my client.

I suppose each client also simulates the FM of aircraft independently?

They do ... kind of a strange question. smile FMs might not be super-heavy things to simulate (not simple either) but if you can avoid running them all in one place, you probably should.

I wonder if it works this way for shooter games? Each individual client calculates ballistics and penetration values of each projectile individually? Must deal with a lot of inaccuracies and no matter how small, it will all build up to some messed up results!

In ARMA3 the standard way of dealing with someone close up was to run circles around them while reloading your gun. I haven't played for a while, but it was an effective way of avoiding hits. It always struck me as strange that I could put a stream of bullets in someone's way, they'd run through that stream and not take a hit. There is no game that isn't affected by these MP issues. It's just that some are affected more, others less, IMHO.
You can say what you want about a given solution being good or bad ... there's no perfect solution. In the case of this game, we appear to be using an older solution that reduces network traffic but results in the aforementioned artifacts some times.

44th VFW