Hail mary pass since it has been brought up from time to time. AI pilots seem to be able to dive any distance and at very steep (near vertical) angles and then pull out without suffering any structural integrity failure to their craft.

Is it possible to mod the AI to either detect the stress levels of the wings and limit their dive accordingly OR limit how far each particular type of craft will steep dive (Spads much longer than N11s, for example) before switching to another tactic so that the AI might more closely simulate how pilots would handle their craft historically during air combat?

I know this gets tricky because sometimes the AI fakes a "death spiral" and then pulls out several hundred feet lower in an attempt to lose their pursuer and escape the combat. That is a perfectly understandable move by the AI, and in fact I love that. What I am referring to are the ultra steep, extended dives, often at a slightly cocked angle, that would appear to push a machine past its limits and for which players in the same aircraft find well near impossible to replicate because their wings suffer massive damage if not outright catastrophic failure.

Success in making the AI pilots fly within similar structural integrity limits of players would keep the dogfights higher in altitude and lasting longer, instead of losing a lot of altitude quickly and fighting down on the deck. It should lead to "more time dogfighting and less time diving. It may well also reduce the number of dogfights that make it to the deck level, since they are more likely to be resolved at higher altitudes."

If Novice AI were most likely to push their aircraft past its limits and rip their wings off, Average pilots less so and Aces virtually never. Probably impossible, but would be cool if it could be done.

Last edited by Hellshade; 05/17/18 06:32 PM.

Flying Wings Over Flanders Fields: Between Heaven & Hell II
videos at www.youtube.com/hellshade68