The source code is hosted on Github. It remains under Licence, although it has been amended to make it relevant to the current repository.

You can find the repo on Github

The code repo has now been made public. The reason for doing so was that there was an ongoing cost to keep the repo private, which I didn't think was necessary any more. I'm also hoping that with it being public, it might encourage others to get involved in modding it.

Some old branches have been removed, and it's just the latest that remain, plus a few historic ones - like Arnehs Apache avionics that was too good to remove - maybe some day it'll be made to work.

Contact the repo owner via their email on Github to be added as a contributor, that way you don't have to form the repo.

Instructions on how to get the source can be found in the EECH Wiki;

EECH-Wiki - Source Code Access

For source code access discussions, use this thread;

EECH Source Code Discussion

Last edited by messyhead; 05/14/21 10:17 PM.