Most of that stuff listed in this patch is for the I just want the game to win itself crowd.

I can say this game seems to be pretty damned long if your trying to do everything. Still not finished it and been at the single and a little MP side of it for like 90 hours so far. Its a decent game but it feels a little stale here and there. To much go here and here and here oh and back there too. I was digging the early go explore stuff thing but that got lost real fast for bucket loads of fetch/kill quests. I dislike the ammo everywhere thing. There is little tension for managing ammo fight after fight. The initiative seems to have dumped ammo all over this new galaxy somehow. But the animation compliants are over blown. Ya, they can be a tad stale but its pretty damned well the same as the old mass effect games. So its just more noticeable now than a decade has gone by. Not that its horibad its just not as good as it could be.

I guess my biggest beef the over use of tired old formula of this sort of game. Its pretty much just a crazy amount of little quests and no risks taken on anything new in game play. Its not a bad game but its not a GREAT game either. No amount of patches are going to fix that. Still trying to figure out why on the early planets after killing Kett everywhere and supposedly setting up outposts along with killing local Kett leader they just keep spawning over and over and over again. I think they played it too safe on the game play formula and it really sticks out.