Nah... Battle of France for starters, then onwards from there.

From the developers...

The intention is that it will eventually encompass the whole of WW2 and will be centered in Europe.
From the Battle of France, Battle of Britain to the massive day and night raids over Germany and German held territories.

The intention is that players will be able to play either side in fighter or bomber squadrons and will have and will build on many of the SP features of WOFFUE.
Aircraft models are all new high poly hi res textured aircraft with even more realistic DM than what is currently in WOFFUE

The world will be alive as will the theater change over time until very little of the main European cities is left.... again much like WOFFUE that has the frontlines moving and devastated tracts of land building up over time.

Last edited by Trooper117; 01/23/17 06:50 PM.