my question is not strictly related to MMJoy2, but I want to ask about KMZ60 magrez sensor implementation. I build my own throttle quadrant with six axes and 32 buttons.

I want to use Arduino Leonardo as a base and extend it with MCP3208 and two MCP23017 extenders. So, my questions are following:
- does KMZ60 require any opamp or can I connect it directly to MCP3208? I saw the plans of PCBs for MMJoy2 and there are only two capacitors and one resistor so the implementation seems to be extremally easy. I want to use 90 degrees of lever motion (-45/+45*). Will there be any problem with covering range of motion or linearity?
- do I have to plug both sinus and cosinus outputs to MCP3208 or one would be enough? If so it means that one MCP3208 would be enough only for four axes. Am I correct?