Originally Posted By: - Ice

No. I am saying the sales figures could be 5 copies or 500 or 5,000 or 50,000. Without that data, how can you say "sales are good"? How can you tell it's not a total flop? How can you tell if they've broken even or not? The answer: You can't.

As for the "new team," what, you've never heard of projects being terminated due to the company going under? You've not heard of people being laid off without warning because their company was bankrupt? Those people did not have the company's financial data, so they could not tell whether the business was booming or at the brink of bankruptcy.

There is always some risk and I agree Ice, I'm sure RAZBAM, Leatherneck, etc have done their homework here on the risk.

It's good to see 3rd parties such as RAZBAM and Leatherneck building up their teams to build aircraft at the DCS level. Now where is my F14 Leatherneck and Harrier RAZBAM, things are definitely looking up here to me. Must just be my optimistic ways then.

These are just discussions here to get ideas for good topics for a website. Like the history of F4 and ED
I will not be biased tho like you guys are with ED and F4. ED has a different history just like Falcon's history and how it became the legendary SimArt it is today. It's taken some time back in (2006) for BMS to get the FM flight model to what we have today. To me it was just a cRazy idea to even try and build a sim like F4, but like Kevin Klemmick said, they didn't know any better back then.

F4 Legacy goes back Ice to early 1980s with Gilman Louie and has been involved with the CIA in the past, does Matt know him lol.
Do all CIA guys like fight simming?