Originally Posted By: W-Molders
Originally Posted By: mailman
Originally Posted By: W-Molders
in 95% of the cases were I see marriages work, its the man who basically says ' I live my life for myself and answer to nobody' (steve mcqueen quote) and if the woman sticks, she sticks.. most of the time she doesnt.

Interesting point of view W.

A number of guys I know are exactly as you say above (live for themselves) have ended up being divorced exactly because they did as they pleased. To be frank (or Dave), their exes are better off without them.

I think there is something about being married to a boy who never grew up that saps the life out of you. These guys haven't yet realised that part of the job of being a man is to actually stop being a boy and grow up and start being a man.


western modern society says the man must live FOR the women basically.. it sucks.

No...marriage, like everything is a balance of give and take. Your view is all take, take, take because you expect the woman to be give, give, give.

Those of us that live in the real world (tm) realise that is a recipe for failure.

I could play golf all weekend and my wife wouldn't get in the way of me doing that BUT the reality is that would mean my wife would be solely responsible for child care for the entire weekend which actually wouldn't be fair on her or the kids.

Thats the thing about being an adult, the realisation that life is not all about you. This is what I was going on about. These guys that I know would get on the p1ss all weekend long plus most nights of the week, not take any responsibility for their kids and leave everything up to their wives to manage and then whinge because their exes aren't so flexible now they are no longer together etc.

That the point I was making. There comes a time in your life where its time to stop being a boy and start being a man.
