i no understand what maniac people have need lot buttons to same chip
better way i thi nk have use all analog input to mmjoy and use other board all buttons and switch if made real full cocpit to flight.
new mobiflight software i use all buttons, need only mega board or 2 or 3, and have buttons lot what need smile
and mobiflight can use 7-segment display nac/com radio panel too easy.
and stepepr motor and servo motor gauges.
and all analog pin only use hall sensor or potentiometers mmjoy, come better and easy way build you own cocpit all.
this my radio panel test [img:right]https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B6fpBSKeeyqfNWNOM083Tlk5b00[/img]
this switch panel [img]https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B6fpBSKeeyqfN1FCb3B3bi1pQ1k[/img]
test https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B6fpBSKeeyqfWGRPMU9pOF9KN0E
mobiflight not support analog input and mmjoy have better way use analog input yukoe,rudder,trottle,trim wheels,brake, to sim.
but all digital input, buttons,switch,encoder,output leds have easy and better way use fsuip and mobiflight software.
my switch panel i use 6 pin switch left side use input to arduino and rigth side come 5V power to led indicate led switch on/off, easy and mobiflight can use all annuincator or other led what fsuip support.

I need only help how i start my first mmjoy ardunio micro and all analog pin use
i no understand all and how start what chip and parts need ?
i have 10 pcs 10K potentiometers now and digital and analog hall sensor, (what this used? digital or analog? )
need me other chip too if use all micro 12 analog input ?
how burn code and firmware to chip ?
what programmer and software need ?
usbasp? atmel flip ? or what need ?

Last edited by masaV; 11/22/16 12:42 PM.