Originally Posted By: Jarda1S32
Hi again all those interested in the Krug. So as promised, I started up the turbine generator. So far I have to control the valves manually since the control block is missing but I'm in a process of developing it's supplement. Also I managed to power up some instruments inside (yeah, almost in the exact way like it's in the sam sim:)) but unfortunatelly I didn't have time to properly try what's working and what isn't.... Also the antenna block isnt't connected at all. I'll try to bring some of the systems to life when we manage to acquire a diesel 400Hz generator which is quiter and much more fuel efficient... Check out a short video I made! https://youtu.be/XEh6Z8mzdHk

and some pictures here..

What would be cool is if you could wire it into samsim somehow.
I.E. play Samsim on your real Pat Hand. smile

Its not the bullet with your name on it you have to worry about.
But the one addressed:
"To Whom It May Concern"