Originally Posted By: Troll
Just a quick hello to say thanks to ricnunes for the reply.

You're welcome.

Originally Posted By: Troll

It's this that I stuggle with.
I can't understand it, and I think it's way over the top.

I have never hated anyone with a passion. I do believe those are feelings I have set aside in case someone that I care for is murdered or raped or similar.
Not for a game/sim producer who's only fault is a mismanaged production.

Lets say that a car dealer sells you a fancy new car which you liked a lot but that car is sold without any glass windows/windshield but at the same time and despite the car coming initially without the glass windows/windshield the price already includes them and according to the car dealer those same glass windows/windshield should be available and installed on you car in the next two week time period.
But then several weeks have passed, several months have passed and YEARS have passed and still no glass windows/windshield for your fancy "new" car which by now it's not so new anymore, by the way!

What would you feel about that car dealer?? Wouldn't you hate him??

If not, perhaps you could give me your recipe for being so calm? I admit that sometime it could be useful for me...

Originally Posted By: Troll

Were you around when Falcon 4 or IL-2 CloD, was released, halfheartedly patched and then abandoned!? Lots of people bough these sims as well, only to realise that the developer never would fix their products. If you were there, do you hate Microprose and 1C?

Yes I've been around when Falcon 4 or IL-2 CloD were released and I've been around for a far longer time in terms of computer flight simulations (certainly as long as you and perhaps longer than you).
I can't speak that much about IL-2 CloD since I never bought it (and I still don't own it) but I can speak about Falcon 4.

It's true that when Falcon 4.0 first came out it was riddled with bugs which pretty much made "unplayable" but soon afterwards (one year later) official patch 1.08 was released which solved most of the bugs and made Falcon 4.0 a rather stable and playable sim.
But soon afterwards Microprose ceased to exist so no further (official) development on Falcon 4 was possible by the original developers.

A similar situation with IL-2 CloD also happened, where the development company also seem to have ceased to exist.

But that's not the case with ED and DCS.
ED is (still) active so in this case there's someone to be accounted for the decisions regarding DCS (as opposed to both Falcon 4.0 and IL-2 CloD).

Originally Posted By: Troll

Of course, if this is how you and some other posters really feel, I totally understand why my arguments seem unvalid, and are a waste of space in these discussions.

Anyway, thanks for the clarification.

No, no arguments are "invalid" here (at least not to me). We may strongly disagree but "disagreeing" or believing that the other opinion is wrong is very different from being "invalid".