Originally Posted By: Troll
YOU decide who you hate or love, in life. Choose wisely.
Love is seldom wasted, because it will give you so much in return, but hatred is always a waste, because it drains you.

DCS/ED/SimHQ etc. is all small stuff. If you have to waste your energy on labelling people "stupid", "Idiot", "Incompetent", do so when it really matters.

And if you don't agree that this is the small stuff, I would advice you to re-evaluate your priorities.

Jesus Troll, you didn't get anything of that was told to you, did you??

This is NOT "hate" or "hatred" or whatever you're accusing us (the ones that have a critical "eye" on ED's work), this is actually "worry" or "concern" that ED's current "plan of action" (if there is any concise plan of action) is just "messy" or just "confuse" which could even mean the end of this company on the near future, this if the devs refuse to learn from their mistakes and act accordingly (which for me, it's more than clear that won't happen anytime soon).
This is actual "worry" or "concern" that ED which with it's limited resources (this is pretty much the only thing that we apparently agree on - That ED has very limited resources!) spread so thin that all these very different DCS modern/WWII/Korea aircraft and other "DLCs" will never be finished as well as they will never fix important core issues and above all (and IMO) that they will never finish a proper scenario (with maps, unit sets, etc...) in order to play the purchased aircraft (again the example of WWII and Korea War era aircraft) in a realistic scenario.
If there's something which I believe most people have more love to than spending their money on their favourite hobby is to actually spend their money on priorities, namely on stuff that actually WORKS!
"Stuff that actually works" and ED/DCS only seems to apply or combine and barely so in the oldest DCS modules: BS2, A-10C and I would even say the Huey (despite many complains that even the Huey have some important features missing despite being considered a full-release version!). All other DCS modules simply do not work as they should with a varied degree of non-functionality between those other DCS modules.

Worse even, not only ED and/or the so called "third-party" are releasing unfinished Alpha/Beta aircraft modules which for what's worth may never be finished (just look at the DCS Mi-8 for example!) but now for the most recent aircraft modules you even have to buy a separate DLC campaign in order to play with the newly purchased aircraft (For example the DCS F-5E if I'm not mistaken)!

This is the recipe for disaster! Any other company building any other kind of stuff and that would act like ED had been acting for quite some time would already have GONE BANKRUPT!

By maintaining this same "stance" I don't believe that ED will last much longer. And I when this happens (note that this is a "when" and not an "if" this again if ED doesn't change its stance/behaviour in the meantime) I just ask you one thing:
- Blame yourself and others like yourself which seem to "narrowmindingly" follow ED, instead of blaming the ones that said: "I told you so"!

Resuming, I won't and I refuse give blank checks to anyone! Specially anyone which work I just cannot currently trust and this certainly includes ED!

After all this and if you can't understand what I and others are saying, all I can ask is:
Do you need me to draw you a picture or something? Jezz....