As a customer, arent you investing in that company by becoming a paying customer?

If one was to only fly the free Cuacasus map in the Su-25T or TF-51, you arent truly a customer. You've invested ZERO of your money, other than time.

Once you cross that bridge and start buying the pay-to-play modules (including NTTR 2.0 map), you begin to expect progress on those items.

And when said company requests customer help in squashing bugs, but these inputs are rejected as incorrect (despite them being legit problems), you toss up your hands and stop trying to help. And you also begin to question their knowledge base.

I see both sides of this arguement. These campaigns are getting weekly patch updates in order to allow them to function within DSCW. Other modules are languishing in Alpha/Beta status for months, with many functions inop. This, to the customer/investor, frustrates them and questions credibility.

On the other side, you are content with the current status/products. You're investment has provided exactly what you wanted from it. Or have enough distractions that you're not on it daily.

Frankly, this forum has become a place to read arguements, rather than a helpful base of knowledge. Or to organize a group flight and enjoy the sim.