I finished my buttons box and everything is working bar the enconders.

I believe I might have done something wrong.

The enconders work the following way.

Pole A goes to one input, pole B(central) goes to ground and pole C goes to the other input

When going right I get the following signals as I keep turning

Pole A 5v > Pole C 5v > No voltage on poles > Pole A 5v > Pole C 5v > No voltage on poles > .......

When going left I get the following signals as I keep turning

Pole C 5v > Pole A 5v > No voltage on poles > Pole C 5v > Pole A 5v > No voltage on poles > .......

I tried to put this unsuccesfully in MMJOY2. I can see the hardware presses on the left but the configuration doesn't translate into actions.

Last edited by buccaneer89; 06/21/16 08:08 PM.