I think you guys are being a little too hard on Gunny. Clearly a lot of people are not liking Homefront, but there are positive reviews out there. Heck, even RPS said it had the potential to be great, although it is flawed.

Give it some time, it could turn out to be a half-way decent game.

Besides, Magnum, don't tell me you have never enjoyed a real stinker of a game that the majority of the game playing public despised? Didn't you even enjoy Battlefront Hardline? neaner

Gunny is just being defensive since all of your comments are making him think twice about whether he wasted his money, or not. lol.

de.ci.sive.ness\ n. 1. Ability to make decisions promptly and to announce them in clear, forceful manner. 2. See United States Marine.