After some research and a lot of prototypying I believe I have the full schematics of what I want to build.

However I have a few questions.

1. The Shift Register 74HC165 has 3 pins that have to be connected, CS, SCK and MISO. In the MMJOY2 you can select the pins of CS and MISO. Does that mean that SCK will go to the AE/BM/SPI-SCK pin of the board? Pin B1 in the Arduino Micro.

2. The Joystick axis has only one configurable pin in MMJOY2, I suppose that those are the SPI-CS, in my image the orange cables that go to B5, B4, E6, D7, C6 and D4 on the top part of the Arduino Micro. Am I right?

Can you guys check if there is something wrong in general. I would really appreciate it. If the schematics are good they can be use in the main page if mega_mozg_13 wants

The six IC chips on top are TLE5011 and the Shift Registers are 74HC165

Last edited by buccaneer89; 05/19/16 09:23 PM.