Recently diagnosed with Type II diabetes - which came as a total shock to me: I'm 1.90 at 84 kg, giving me a healthy BMI of 23.3. On the other hand, I hardly ever do any sports / movement (except bedroom fitness), and love to eat well (I did learn long time ago to keep the portions relatively small though).
Fortunately it was still in the very early stages - blood sugar level before breakfast was around 7.5 (according to the Dutch guidelines, it should be below 6.0 at that time, and between 6.1 and 6.9 is considered a pre-stage of Diabetes).

Since then I've started paying more attention to my food - more food fibres (difficult in China where most bread is milk white bread and by default rice is the white, instead of the brown variety), more vegetables and less meat; eating a handful of nuts every day and moving more - as I absolutely hate going to the gym, I opted for a brisk walk after dinner. The step counter I use (a Mi band) now shows that I walk over 8,000 steps on average (around 1.5 hours of walking) - before, this was only somewhere between 4- and 5,000 steps.

So far it's not as difficult as I had expected. Let's hope it's enough to keep the Diabetes in check.

There is a theory which states that if ever anyone discovers exactly what the universe is for it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more inexplicable.
There is another theory which states that this has already happened.