I don't see how anything I've said is off topic? Now as to your questions (I think I have then all), I'll try to answer as best I can, since you asked so nicely.

EDIT:- Awww you deleted your post.

A new DCS World update that features nothing other than support for a new payware campaign?

No, a few important fixes too. I think there is a changelog somewhere for this update. EDIT: I've linked it below.

How's about getting the missions into the Nevada branch for starters or is that at the back of the queue because no funds are generated?

Honestly I've no idea as to how ED handles it's revenue. Nobody here does, so the above is manufactured speculation IMO. I do know however that work on Nevada branch continues.

Considering this is a newsletter, and an ideal opportunity to inform customers of progress - how about they actually include some valid information in them?

Can't really answer this one unless we define what constitutes valid/non-valid information. I suspect this would be different for each individual.

........what progress are ED making with DCS World for example?

Change logs are in the link below with updates to DCS world dated 18th,11th March, 17thFeb, 22nd Jan for 2016 and about 12 other changlogs for the period Sept-Dec 2015

You wonder why people like me make these posts?

I couldn't possible explain what motivates you - This may have been rhetorical

Are you now insinuating that a 3rd party campaign offers no monetary gain to ED?

Not directed to me, but I can't imagine they are not.

what's the latest on DCS World, what about the 1.5/2.0 merge, where are the Nevada missions, where is the ED progress?

Ok a few questions rolled into one, lets see....
Latest on DCS world is a bit broad in scope, but to be pedantic is actually the Newsletter that sparked the discussion.
The 1.5/2.0 merge is ongoing - not much else to say here really. It will be done when its done, it's not a cut and paste job.
Where are the Nevada missions - I don't know the time frame for these, these will mostly likely come with the Nevada release
Where is the ED progress - Hard to quantify this question, but if you go over the Changlogs linked above you'll see detailed past progress from last September onward.

Is there nothing to put in the newsletter?....is the 'new' campaign just filler because there is no real news?

Ok, 2 in 1. First one, probably not anything they felt like sharing. Second one, here we'll have to define what constitutes real news, again I've feeling that this will depend on the individual.

There is next to nothing in the previous week, the week before that was a spring sale....get my point?

I think I do. I guess the point you are making is that they don't keep you informed as often as you'd wish.
