So all, fess up, how are you doing in the new year?

I'm comfordably below my 80kg mark, in fact the lowest I saw recently was 77.1. I haven't seen a 76.x on the scale since almost ten years ago, and I definitly didn't have the muscles back then that I have now (so I'm already way better than I ever was).

Diet is a mix of junk food and healthy stuff, about half/half during the week, but all in moderation. Chocolate will still get me, Burgers, Pizzas and such are rather not such a big deal anymore (i.e. the craving is very manageable...). Stir Fry and Steaks for the win.

I really ought to get rid of the white bread but damn would be sooo harsh to endure...

Training plan as of yet unchanged, but I'm doing them faster - trying to hit harder in a shorter time.