Hi all,

time has passed and the next "day of tanks" at Tankodrom Milovice is coming up. It's going to take place on the last Saturday of the month (29.8.2015) and of course the Krug won't be left in the garage. In case someone was somewhere near Prague, it's an ideal opportunity to take a look. Of course we still don't have a power source so it's only a static display but still it's pretty interesting.
Our efforts are unending though so I'm sure we'll make some more progress in the future. Here're some pictures. I'm happy to say that we're finally getting somewhere with the renovation of this piece of technique. We've been focusing on the 2P24 lately as we'd like to paint it (it's very rusty) and make the elevation and azimuth systems moving. In order to do that we need to repair hydraulic actuators which I'm working on now.

Also I've obtained some documentation lately so in case somebody had a question I'm happy to look the answer up. smile

Last edited by Jarda1S32; 08/04/15 08:38 PM.