Just refreshing memories:

Easiest answer is that Plamya use different program codes, for the different tasks.
(manual page 17)
Plamja-KV CVM (digital computer)
The digital computer has a 16bit processor, running at 64kHz frequency.
It has 256 bytes of RAM, and 4,096 bytes of ROM.
It has five built-in programs:
1. Idle
In this mode, the Plamja-KV is calculating the firing solution using the instantaneously available data from the RPC.
2. IADS target acquisition
In this mode, the Plamja-KV is interpolating the target's predicted position, between the 10Hz updates received from the IADS information.
3. Target tracking
In this mode, the Plamja-KV is continuously calculating the target's predicted path, and figuring the firing solution based on this information.
4. Tracking Jamming Target
In this mode, the Plamja-KV is calculating the firing solution using a manually preset target range. This mode is called AS-2.
5. Self Test

I think, that CVK always DO a firing solution, no matter how the data is inputed on it (manually, by "local sensors" (those MD buttons and red lights) or by IADS.

The real behaviour of the system is a mystical process for me, understanding the behaviour is a key for a bug findings or some mistery solving (04.10.2001 - Tu-154M)...

Last edited by piston79; 09/13/14 04:53 PM.