Originally Posted By: ColJamesD
So Godzilla not good?

I was never a fan of the Japanese movies.

I found them cheesy.

But the preview for this one looked good especially when they used the soundtrack from 2001: A Space Odyssey.

I was going to run away from work today and go see it.

(I am the boss, I can do anything I want)

So I shouldn't and I should save my $6.50?

I wanted a Godzilla with the same tone as the original where he appears as a destructive force. Instead we get a superhero sans cape. They didn't give it a kiddie atmosphere like the mid sixties early seventies Toho flicks, but they did change the tone of the character. If they weren't going to go with what I expected, then they should have at least explored some of the themes, like nature's balance and man's destructive nature. Lip service was payed to them, but overall they weren't worth mentioning.{/SPOILER}

Beginning third and last third were decent for what it was. The middle third dragged on.

For $6.50 it might be an okay time waster. You're pretty discerning in your movie critiques so I don't think Godzilla will rate very well for you, Col.

Last edited by knightgames; 05/19/14 03:22 PM.