10.05.1972... Extremely lucky pilot...

Nonetheless, it would certainly be interesting to hear what happened to the first „MiG-killer" of the day, namely Lt. Court Dosé- which was punished by escorting A-7s - on the same afternoon. At 3:15 PM Dosé and Hawkins escorted a pair of Iron Hand a-7s north of Hon Gai, when Dosé’s RWR showed signs of a SAM launch from the West. Dosé informed the A-7 pilot, but the later - only 300 meters away - said his equipment showed no such signals. As luck would have it, the late afternoon sun sat low in the sky to the west, and its rays were diffused by a bank of haze. Suddenly, Dosé saw two SAMs, „busting out of the haze in our nine o’clock, doing about Mach 3." He rolled the Phantom on its back and pulled into a dive trying to outmanoeuvre the missiles, but the robot weapons corrected to a new collision course. Dosé rolled out and pulled into a maximum G climb, while missiles readjusted their trajectories and continued after the fighter. Now, the SA-2s were too close for any further evasive manoeuvring and closing fast: „One missile came past the nose, the other went over my canopy. It looked like a killer shot. Those missiles had 280-ound warheads, they had us cold. They were so close I could see the control surfaces moving. I gritted my teeth and waited for the explosion. I was looking at ‘em, tensed up, ready to die. And they just continued on past, they didn’t get off!"