Not arguing here... AF is indeed simpler. Just wanted to clarify that BMS isn't really as "complex" as people make it sound. As for the weapon delivery modes, it is up to the player whether to use them or not. So really, it is only as complex as you want it to be. Want to play with the new HARM delivery modes? Sure! Or just load a HTS pod and fire via HAD mode. AGM power up is part of the FENCE IN procedure so shouldn't be a problem. And so on and so forth....

Personally, a fully clickable pit with 6DoF for TIR alone is enough to warrant the jump to BMS. I got so sick of going 2D-3D-2D over and over again (had a button mapped to my HOTAS for it!) and being able to do all my "work" in 3D in BMS really helps with the immersion.

- Ice