How do I remap my Keys or Controllers?

Note for latest WOFF BH&H II please follow the guide in the WOFF BH&H II FAQ:

Latest release is currently "Wings Over Flanders Fields Between Heaven and Hell II" or WOFF BH&H II.

Older WOFF:
Please download the FAQ pdf document from the website

WOFF UE FAQ PDF document: (Section 10/11)

Also if you think your joystick is not working in the sim, but was working fine when setting up in WOFF Workshops, make sure Auto Pilot isn't on! In flight press CTLR+SHIFT+A to toggle.

CH Users? You need to install the CH Control Manager. You don't need to use it, but you do need to install it. When you install it, the control manager installs device drivers that allow Windows to correctly identify the CH Pro Throttle and others.

WOFF uses standard windows calls to devices, so you need correct CH windows drivers and CH manager installs them.
4.51 seems to be the best version btw.

Last edited by Polovski; 01/23/23 03:39 PM.


OBD Software, developers of immersive flight sims;
Wings Over Flanders Fields and Wings Over The Reich