I suggested that for the first corvette sale a while back. Would be a lot of money though and they all go to quick. (the first corvette sale sold out in about 3 hours and this second sale sold out in under 10 minutes. They had to release more just so more people had the opportunity to buy them.)

I kind of wish they would not have sold them at all. They are capital ships (all be it small ones) and I dont think there should be LTI on any capital ships but I am more than willing to save up in game and get a SimHQ capital ship pool going smile

Plus, I already have way too much money into this game.

I bought most of the big ships so I can donate them to my corporation/squad or whatever they call it.

I own:

Retaliator (Crew of 6) (heavy bomber anti-capital ship)
Caterpillar (Crew of 5) (Boarding / piracy)
Constellation (Crew of 4) (Space Superiority)
Starfarer (Crew of 2) (tanker)
Avenger (Crew of 1-2) (Interdiction)
2 Auroras (Crew of 1) (Explorer / fighter)

The Avenger will probably be my main ship but I wanted to pick up some nice ships that can be multicrewed.

Looking forward to this game a whole lot!

Last edited by Master; 07/05/13 08:09 PM.