In July 1968, the Commission has suspended further testing of the failing OSA system.

The Commission lists all identified weaknesses:
- Layout war machine ... does not provide a circular firing in a given zone of destruction, given the effectiveness of shooting at low-flying targets and fire at the target zone by two series of rockets launched;
- Do not provide the required lower limit of the affected area of 50-100 m and the efficiency of fire due to the large pointing errors;
- Not be guaranteed because of the burning rocket nozzle of the engine block, which leads to additional errors guidance;
- The complex has a large dead time, which limits its ability to engage suddenly appearing targets;
- In connection with a significant overload of combat vehicle can not be conformed to reserve, walking speed and buoyancy of the complex.

During testing, one example sinked in the Black Sea...

And yet, despite the fact that by the time the work on the complex Mauler (US equivalent system) stopped (and it gave a good reason for making similar decisions), the creators of "Osa" was still determined to bring this work to completion. As a result, they had released two more years. The Council of Ministers of the USSR, the new deadline to "Osa" on state tests was set II quarter of 1970.

Soon, the NII-20 (NIEMI) held a meeting on the question of principle with GRAU Chief Marshal of Artillery PN Kuleshov.

After explaining the situation, the VP Efremov proposed to delete the requirement of shooting on the run from TTP to develop "Osa", replacing it with a short stop shooting.

However, he suggested to keep the ability to detect targets in motion, on the march, and enter into a fighting machine second channel auto-tracking missiles, providing salvo firing at a target. After a heated discussion of the proposals, despite the protests were on the meeting as representatives of Grau, PN Kuleshov agreed to changes in the technical order.

Free SAM Simulator, "Realistic to the Switch"

(U-2 over Sverdlovsk, B-52's over Hanoi, F-4 Phantoms over the Sinai, F-16's and the F-117A Stealth bomber over the Balkans.)

Book from the author - Soviet Nuclear Weapons in Hungary 1961-1991
