What the manual says (Google translation):

Work under the influence of noise on SNR modulated continuous interference, leading away the corners
If the primary and secondary continuous band of noise narrowed or expanded, creating the illusion of displacement director of the angular coordinate, this is evidence of the use of noise-modulated continuous enemy interference.
The procedure for finding the jammer, frequency hopping channels sighting targets and attack targets in this case is the same

as when shooting against continuous unmodulated noise jamming. The main features of combat operation in conditions of the considered noise associated with the choice of method of tracking and techniques to support the direction on the angular coordinates.
Tracking the jammer is only in RS with with system of averaging the target signal off, as modulation noise voltage with a frequency which is a multiple scanning frequency SNR leads to oscillations (lead) energy ¬ cal center interference signal from the angular coordinates ca ¬ simplicity beats, which dramatically increases the error automatically with ¬ spending. Inclusion scheme smoothing (averaging noise) limits the observed signal from the bottom and can not determine the true center of the band noise.
At the beginning of the tracking must support operators to define target motion on the screen at maximum brightness and width * interference, in order to be able to distinguish false - the offset signal interference caused by the asymmetric change the brightness and the bandwidth of the displacement caused by the moving . The operator remembers the position of the middle band interference to its maximum size and brightness in the future continues to monitor the selected point of support.
Especially complex work of operators with a large beat frequency modulation frequency and frequency scanning. In these cases, the screen shows frequent narrowing lanes, creating the illusion of flashing, resulting in a rapid visual attrition and weakening of the operator's attention. These influences can be lowered by reducing the brightness and increased by RRU by changing bandwidth interference. If noise modulated jamming was created by the type of inversion (constant-SVR, th), the support is in the middle of the band, regardless of 1eravnomernoy brightness.

Last edited by piston79; 03/17/13 07:56 AM.